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Commercial Cleaning Specialists in Albany, NY

Welcome to Zahra Cleaning Service, where exceptional standards meet professional care. Serving Albany, NY, and surrounding areas, we are dedicated to providing unparalleled commercial cleaning services tailored to the unique needs of your business. Whether you’re a retail outlet, a cozy restaurant, a luxurious hotel, or a professional office building, our expert team is equipped to bring a new level of cleanliness and brilliance to your space.

Why Choose Us?

Expert Cleaning Solutions

We leverage the latest in cleaning technology and eco-friendly products to ensure a spotless environment for your employees and customers. Our comprehensive services include deep cleaning, sanitizing, and maintenance of all types of commercial spaces.

Customizable Plans

Understanding that each business has its own set of requirements, we offer customizable cleaning plans. From daily, weekly, to bi-weekly schedules, we work around your hours of operation to provide cleaning services that fit seamlessly into your business routine.

Experienced Professionals

Our team of cleaning specialists is highly trained, insured, and bonded. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for cleanliness, we take pride in our work and ensure that your business receives the utmost care and attention.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

At Sparkle Pro Cleaners, your satisfaction is our priority. We strive to exceed your expectations with every clean and are committed to delivering top-quality service that adheres to the highest standards of cleanliness.

Our Services Include

Retail Outlet Cleaning: Create an inviting atmosphere for your shoppers with our thorough cleaning services.
Restaurant Cleaning: Ensure your restaurant meets health standards with our deep cleaning and sanitizing solutions.
Hotel Cleaning: Enhance your guests’ stay with pristine rooms and public spaces.
Office Building Cleaning: Provide a healthy and productive work environment for your employees with our expert office cleaning services.
Small Business Cleaning: No matter the size of your business, we promise a clean and welcoming environment for your clients and employees.

Frequently Ask Questions

We service a wide range of commercial clients, including retail outlets, restaurants, hotels, office buildings, and small businesses. 

We service a wide range of commercial clients, including retail outlets, restaurants, hotels, office buildings, and small businesses.
We conduct a thorough assessment of your facility and discuss your specific needs and concerns before developing a customized cleaning plan that aligns with your business’s requirements.
We adhere to the highest cleaning standards and use state-of-the-art equipment and eco-friendly cleaning products to ensure a spotless, hygienic environment.
Absolutely! We offer flexible scheduling options to ensure our cleaning services are conducted at the most convenient time for your business, minimizing any disruption to your operations.
Our quality assurance process includes regular inspections, client feedback loops, and continuous training for our staff to ensure our cleaning services always meet our high standards.
You can request a quote by contacting us directly via phone or email. We’ll arrange a convenient time to assess your needs and provide a detailed, no-obligation quote tailored to your business.

Every Clean Leaves a Lasting Impression!

Zahra Commercial Cleaning Services

We’re dedicated to providing top-notch commercial cleaning services that not only meet but exceed your expectations. 

Cleaning Solutions Tailored To Your Needs

Every office in New York City has its distinct characteristics and requirements. We recognize this diversity and offer customized cleaning plans to cater to the specific needs of your business. 

Whether you operate a startup or a multinational corporation, our tailored approach guarantees an optimal cleaning solution for your office. 


Enjoy Commercial Cleaning Services We Offer


Carpet Cleaning Service

Our advanced techniques and eco-friendly solutions penetrate deep, lifting stubborn stains and revitalizing your carpets.

Floor Cleaning Service

Our expert team specializes in restoring the beauty of all types of flooring – hardwood, tile, laminate, and more.

Carpet, Furniture, Sofa Cleaning

Kitchen Cleaning Service

Kitchen that's not just clean, we tackle everything from countertops to cabinets, ensuring every nook is hygienically clean.

Window Cleaning Service

We remove dirt, streaks, and smudges, ensuring crystal-clear views and a brighter ambiance. We're here to enhance your outlook.

Office Cleaning

Furniture Cleaning Service

Our thorough cleaning process gently yet effectively revitalizes sofas, chairs, and other upholstery. Feels like new!

Tell Us


Frequently Asked Question

Our commercial cleaning service stands out for several reasons. We have a highly trained and experienced team, use advanced cleaning techniques and equipment, prioritize customer satisfaction, and offer competitive pricing.

We specialize in cleaning various commercial spaces, including offices, retail stores, warehouses, medical facilities, educational institutions, and more. No matter the size or type of your commercial property, we've got you covered.

We ensure quality cleaning by employing skilled and dedicated cleaners, conducting thorough inspections, using high-quality cleaning products and equipment, and adhering to industry best practices and standards.

Yes, absolutely! We understand that every commercial space is unique. That's why we offer customizable cleaning plans tailored to your specific requirements, schedule, and budget.

Yes, all our cleaning products are safe, eco-friendly, and approved for use in commercial environments. We prioritize the health and safety of your employees, customers, and the environment.

We take security and confidentiality seriously. Our cleaners undergo thorough background checks, and we have strict protocols in place to safeguard your property, sensitive information, and privacy.

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Ensuring 24/7 support

Amazing Client Support and Communication Around The Clock

Whether you prefer communication on our website, SMS, phone, or in-person. Our dedicated support team is always at your service, ensuring seamless communication and swift response to any queries or concerns. 

Our friendly, knowledgeable, and proactive team functions as an extension of yours. We believe in building strong relationships with our clients, characterized by trust and transparency. Stay informed with real-time updates on your cleaning schedule and service progress.

How it Work

Our Working Process

How To Clean Your Space by Zahra Cleaning Service

Book Your Appointment

Use our user-friendly online booking submission form or give us a call to choose the date and time that suits your busy schedul

Tailoring Plan to You

This step ensures that our cleaning service is tailored to fit likewise your favorite pair of comfy socks. Chat about what matters to you.

On The Scheduled Day

Our skilled and expert cleaning team arrives equipped with the latest tools and eco-friendly cleaning products.

Let's Make Sure You Love It

We walk through every inch of your space, making sure it’s up to our snazzy standards. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal.

Why Our Customers Choose Us?

Certified and Trusted

We Are Licensed, Insured & Affordable

Our team comprises licensed professionals, ensuring adherence to the highest industry standards. Moreover, we are fully insured, providing you with peace of mind knowing that your office space, assets, and employees are protected under our care.

Best Cleaning Technology

Powering The Future of Commercial Cleaning Technology

We utilize advanced equipment and eco-friendly products. This approach not only ensures a deeper clean but also supports sustainability, reducing our environmental footprint while maintaining a healthy office environment.

Ensuring 24/7 support

Amazing Client Support and Communication Around The Clock

Whether you prefer communication on our website, SMS, phone, or in-person. Our dedicated support team is always at your service, ensuring seamless communication and swift response to any queries or concerns. 

Our friendly, knowledgeable, and proactive team functions as an extension of yours. We believe in building strong relationships with our clients, characterized by trust and transparency. Stay informed with real-time updates on your cleaning schedule and service progress.


Ensuring 24/7 support

Exceptional Features of Our Commercial Cleaning Services

Customizable cleaning plans designed to meet your specific needs and schedule. Whether you require daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning services.

Exceptional Features of Our Commercial Cleaning Services

Customizable cleaning plans designed to meet your specific needs and schedule. Whether you require daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning services.


Take Action Today!

Don't let a messy garden hold you back from enjoying your outdoor space to the fullest. Take action today and schedule your Backyard Garden Cleaning Service with Zahra Cleaning Service.